Cedric Fangeat & RoPu Chen

Cedric Fangeat

FR  48 years old

RoPu Chen

TW  45 years old
And Azur Fangeat. Born 28 June 2013. We are a family of three, Cedric, RoPu and Azur. We like to discover the world on our bicycles and try to go as often as possible on some adventures. Our last trip took us along the Rhine, from Switzerland to Holland, but before that we had already done some shorter tours, on the Norfolk coast, London-Paris, London-Wales-London, London Breda...

Northfolk Coast

April 2018  •  6 days  •  329.8 km (see details)

Azur, 4 years old, will go on his first real cycling tour, linking the city of King's Lynn on the West Norfolk Coast to Great Yarmouth, 180 kilometers away to the east